Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer
Making God Known Through Word and Deed.

What to Expect
Sunday Morning:
Greeters at our Welcome Center will welcome you with a handshake and smile. It is staffed with members who know the ministries and programs of LCOOR.
Wednesday Evening:
Beginning with a light meal for the whole family (4:45 - 5:30pm) , church school follows at 5:30pm. At 6:30pm this 45-minute worship service gives a pared down version of Sunday worship. There is no Wednesday worship during the summer months.
Saturday Evening:
A Pastor will be presiding over worship and Holy Communion the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at this 5:30pm service. The remaining Saturdays, lay leaders preside over worship services.
A homecooked meal is served after worship on the 1st Saturday of each month.
For families with children:
Families are encouraged to worship together. The noise of children in worship is welcome. Activity bags for children, with coloring sheets, crayons and books, are available for your use during worship.
Our building is handicap accessible. We recommend the South Entrance, as it is closest to the sanctuary.
Worship Times
Saturday 5:30pm Traditional Worship [Lay Led on the 2nd & 4th Saturday]
Sunday 9:30am Blended Worship
Wednesday 6:30pm Worship
We will Live Stream our Sunday 9:30am Worship Service. Please note that a recording of this service will be archived and available for viewing afterward on our website.
Memorial Day-Labor Day
Saturday 5:30pm Worship [Lay Led on the 2nd & 4th Saturday]
Sunday 9:00am Worship at Memorial Park
Sunday 9:30am Traditional Worship also Livestreamed
Holy Communion is celebrated twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Saturday - Sunday - Wednesday.

Worship at LCOOR
From the South:
Follow US Highway 81 north into Watertown.
Proceed north on Highway 81 past Highway 212 and past the uptown district.
Turn left on Fourteenth Avenue North.
Go 6 blocks west to 2nd Street.
Turn right. Proceed north for .5 mile to Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer.
From the North:
Follow US Highway 81 South into Watertown.
Turn right on Fourteenth Avenue North
Go 6 blocks west to 2nd Street.
Turn right. Proceed north for .5 mile to Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer.
Summer Worship at Memorial Park
From Hwy 20:
Turn left onto Hwy 139.
Continue 3 miles to Memorial Park on your left.
Once in the park, turn right to enter the picnic grounds.
From Hwy 212 & Hwy 20 intersection:
Drive 5 miles west on Hwy.212.
Turn right onto Hwy 139.
Continue 2 miles to Memorial Park.
Once in the park, turn right to enter the picnic grounds.