Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer
Making God Known Through Word and Deed.

Worship Team
Worship & Music Opportunities

Praise & Rejoice Choir
This adult choir usually sings for worship two Sundays each month. Under the direction of Tera McDonnell, the choir rehearses Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Many friendships and wonderful harmonies have manifested from this group!

Handbell Choir
The Handbell Choir, directed by Bev Splinter, provides special music for worship at least once each month. This group makes beautiful music together while rehearsing Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Small groups of ringers also join together at times to provide special music for worship.

Worship Teams
Blended worship at 9:30 each Sunday morning is led by this dedicated group. Keyboardists and drummers, as well as singers and guitarists are all essential parts of this group. W.O.W. Worship on Wednesdays at 6:30pm is also led by a dedicated group of keyboardists and drummers, as well as singers and guitarists. The Third Sunday of the month during summer, members from these worship teams gather to lead worship at the 9am Memorial Park Worship.

Solos & Small Groups
With three worship services each week there are many special music opportunities, as well as opportunities for keyboardists to play for worship or other groups and individuals. Whether you sing or play an instrument, like to solo or play or sing in a small group, your music is sure to enhance the worship experience. Be sure to make us aware of your interest!

High School Music Team
What an awesome bunch of young people! These folks lead worship throughout Lent at 6:30pm at LCOOR. We are so blessed by their music!! Talk to Philip for more information. See calendar for Practice dates and times.

Altar Committee
The altar committee is responsible for setting up for communion twice each month and for light cleaning of the altar area each week. Communion is served on the first and third weekends and Wednesdays of each month at LCOOR, as well as during festival worship services. Talk to Pam Raeder to join in serving with this group.

Sound & Projection
This group of individuals is trained to run the sound and projection system at each worship service. Members of this group also serve during special events, concerts, programs and festival worship services. Team members are needed weekly for Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday worship services. Training times are customized to fit your schedule.

Musician/Singer Sign-up
Click the link below to access the musician sign-up.