Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer
Making God Known Through Word and Deed.


The Latest Word- Monthly Newsletter
Click here to download our monthly newsletter.

Sermons & Bulletins
Click here to download our recent bulletins and listen to the sermons.

Simply Giving
“Simply Giving” is safe, convenient and confidential. You decide the amount and the frequency of contributions. This program helps the church because of consistent, predictable income. For more information contact Jodi Spilde in the church office (886-2696).

Online Giving
Giving online is easy and allows you to set up one-time giving or automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet. We invite you to Go Green and use our secure, online giving page.
Simply follow these easy steps:
1. Click on this link to online giving page,
2. Click on the Create Profile button (this step will only need to be done once), then
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your one-time or recurring contribution.

Wedding Planner

Church Council Meeting Minutes
Click here for the Minutes of the Council Meetings.

Annual Report

Constitution and By-Laws
Click here for the Constitution and By-Laws.

Registration Forms
Church School Registration 2024-2025
7th/8th Grade Confirmation Registration 2024-2025

Timmerman Scholarship
This scholarship, in the amount of $1,000.00, will be given to a Watertown High School graduate who is a member of Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, Watertown, SD. Applicants for this scholarship must enroll in one of the six (6) state supported educational institutions of higher education or in one of the four (4) state supported technical colleges. More information is available on page 1 of the application.

Helpful Links

Funeral Planning
Click here to download a copy of our funeral planning document.