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Image by Aaron Burden

Membership Information

Gather all the information you'll need regarding the process of becoming a member at Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer. If you have any additional questions, we invite you to attend a service, call the church office at

(605) 886-2696 or plan another time to visit.

Becoming a Member

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer receives new members twice during the year.  Even before you join, we invite you to participate fully in the life of the congregation: to grow as a follower of Jesus, to worship regularly, to be in community with others, and to give generously. If you wish to become a member of Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, you can leave your name, address and telephone number at the Welcome Center or call the church office at (605) 886-2696.

The Process

Prior to your reception into membership, you are invited to attend an orientation with other new members of LCOOR. This is a time to get to know each other, obtain information regarding your membership and receive a small gift from us to you. You will officially be received at a new member during the worship service that you normally or prefer to attend. 


Every “New Member” family unit is assigned to a Faith & Care Team. During this month, you are asked to help in one of several areas. These include: Greeters, Ushers, Lectors, Communion Assistants, Coffee Servers, Bringing and Serving Food for special events such as funerals, etc.  A letter with detailed explanation will be provided in the New Member Packet received at the Orientation.

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Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer | 2001 2nd St. NW | Watertown, SD 57201 | 605.886.2696

Churches in Watertown, South Dakota   Worship Services  ELCA Lutheran

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